Indiana CCA Conference 2021 Presentation



Nutrient Management
Wed, Dec 15, 2021
11:00am to 11:50am


Nutrient Management
Wed, Dec 15, 2021
4:00pm to 4:50pm

Finding Proof for Recommending Less N with Microbial Supplements: Research Challenges in Corn

Nitrogen fixation claims concerning new microbe products are hard to verify in actual field situations. The question arises as to whether these products might work consistently in lab or greenhouse environments, but less reliably in field situations. The research challenges to document a real yield gain or optimum N rate reduction in actual corn production situations are daunting. In this presentation, I will highlight, with examples, some of the university research challenges in field verification of microbe product claims concerning N fixation for corn. What factors do we need to take into account to predict the odds of an economic gain when farmers use such a product?


Tony Vyn

Purdue University

Dr. Tony J. Vyn, Professor of Agronomy and Corteva Agriscience Henry A. Wallace Chair in Crop Sciences. Tony has studied crop rotation and tillage systems for his whole career, first at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, and then at Purdue University since 1998. For the past 25 years, Tony has directed Purdue’s long-term tillage plots that were started in 1975 by previous faculty at Purdue. Together with many graduate students and research team members, Tony has investigated the applications and challenges involved in adopting more sustainable cropping systems. He has always been interested in getting to a better understanding corn physiology and nutrient efficiency changes with modern genetics and new management approaches. Tony plans to retire at the end of 2023.