Pest Management
Tue, Dec 13, 2022
9:00am to 9:50am
Pest Management
Tue, Dec 13, 2022
2:00pm to 2:50pm
New Trends in Fungicide Research: from In-furrow to Resistance Monitoring
Fungicide use in field crops has expanded in recent years beyond standard seed and foliar applications. In-furrow fungicide applications are promoted for multiple benefits, including foliar corn disease management and as a potential management option for Fusarium crown rot on corn. Research on efficacy of products for these uses will be presented, as well as an update on fungicide resistance monitoring efforts in the commonly used DMI-triazole fungicide group.
Kiersten Wise
Kiersten Wise is a Professor in the department of Plant Pathology, with primary responsibility for extension and research on diseases of corn, sorghum and forages. Kiersten earned her B.S. degree in Plant Health and Protection from Iowa State University, her M.S. in Plant Pathology from the University of Georgia, and completed her Ph.D. work at North Dakota State University, also in Plant Pathology. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Kentucky in 2017, she was at Purdue University for 8 years as the Extension Specialist for field crop diseases. Her extension and research programs focus on developing economical and sustainable disease management practices for agronomic field crops.