Soil & Water
Wed, Dec 14, 2022
4:00pm to 4:50pm
Soil & Water
Wed, Dec 14, 2022
11:00am to 11:50am
Soil Stewardship: 40 Years of Change
Our understanding of soil stewardship has continued to change over the past 40 years, in ways that affect how producers view and care for their soil. Dr. Eileen Kladivko will share examples of changes in thinking about earthworms and soil biology, soil structure and aggregation, no-till, drainage, cover crops, and other practices that can be used in practical ways on modern, highly productive farms, as viewed from the perspective of her 40-yr career at Purdue. She’ll also discuss some thoughts on where future progress might be made.
Eileen Kladivko
Dr. Eileen J. Kladivko is Professor of Agronomy at Purdue University, where she teaches and does research in soil physics, soil biology, and soil management. Her overall research focus has been to identify soil management systems that improve environmental quality and promote agricultural sustainability. She is a Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America and the American Society of Agronomy. She is a founding member of the Midwest Cover Crops Council and an active member of the Executive Committee.