Crop Management
Wed, Dec 14, 2022
9:00am to 9:50am
Crop Management
Wed, Dec 14, 2022
2:00pm to 2:50pm
Phantom Yield Loss: Myth or Reality
Corn yield or dry matter loss is often referred to as Phantom Yield Loss but is it really a figment of the imagination or can it be explained? This presentation will explore the principles of kernel dry matter accumulation and moisture loss as well as providing keys to better understanding how and why grain yields are reduced as harvest moisture declines.
Mark Licht
Mark Licht is an Associate Professor and Extension Cropping Systems Specialist in the Department of Agronomy at Iowa State University. He is a native of Webster County Iowa and grew up on a corn, soybean, farrow-to-finish hog farm. His extension, research and teaching program is focused on how to holistically manage Iowa cropping systems to achieve productivity, profitability and environmental goals. Research is centered around varied aspects of soybean, corn and cover crop management.