Indiana CCA Conference 2022 Presentation



Crop Management
Tue, Dec 13, 2022
11:00am to 11:50am


Crop Management
Tue, Dec 13, 2022
4:00pm to 4:50pm

Macros, Micros, and Magical Mixes: Input-intensive Management Impacts on Corn Growth, Yield, and Kernel Weight Determination

Recent increases in crop variable costs, weather variability, emerging diseases, and declines in yearly percent yield gains have driven farmers toward using multiple tactics to enhance corn yield. A popular strategy used to optimize corn yield is through combinations of higher seeding rates, additional macro and micronutrient fertilizer, and prophylactic chemical input applications. However, these management decisions can often be expensive, unnecessary, and may heighten the risk for biological resistance and nutrient losses. Field research trials were established across Indiana, Michigan, and Kentucky to examine corn physiological, yield, and economic responses to different input applications and management intensities. In addition, this project examines the role of input applications and management intensities on corn grain fill period duration and kernel weight accumulation.


Dan Quinn

Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Extension Corn Specialist
Purdue University

Dr. Dan Quinn is currently an Assistant Professor of Agronomy and the Extension Corn Specialist at Purdue University. Dr. Quinn earned his B.S. and M.S. in Crop and Soil Science at Michigan State University and his Ph.D. in Plant and Soil Science at the University of Kentucky. His interdisciplinary research and extension program at Purdue works to improve the overall production, profitability, and environmental performance of Midwestern U.S. corn systems. Currently, Dr. Quinn’s research program includes studies examining yield physiology, agronomic management intensities, precision technologies, nutrient management, and cover crop use in corn production systems using large-scale and small-plot field research trials.